Tuesday 27 December 2011

Let's Revise the Lesson~

Hello and hi every one... Do you still remember about Countable and Uncountable NOUNS that we have gone through together in the previous posts? I really hope that the answer will be "Yes". In this post I want to share with all of you a video clip from You Tube regarding this important topic. I am of the belief that it will help you to revise and remember back what we have learned before this. Enjoy the video and have a nice day everybody.....

Let's watch this interesting video clip: 

Countable OR Uncountable???

Let’s Check Your Understanding!!!

Instruction: Find common and proper nouns. Using the chart below, place each noun in the correct category. Capitalize all Proper Nouns.

Ø liverpool, port dickson, town, sungai petani, city
Ø dancer, michael jackson, martha stewart, opera, beverly hills, anuar zain
Ø pamphlet, reader’s digest, magazine, sports illustrated, seventeen
Ø damansara utama, kuala lumpur, state, malacca, region
Ø tasik kenyir, lagoon, gulf of mexico, white’s pond, pulau langkawi
Ø continent, africa, europe, peninsula, korea, italy,
Ø track meet, XXII olympic games, premier league, hockey, world series
Ø mountain, mount kinabalu, sunway lagoon, hills
Ø artist, georgia o’keeffe, sculptor, alexander graham bell, michelle yeoh
Ø monument, island, statue of liberty, building, empire state building

Common NOUNS
Proper NOUNS

Monday 26 December 2011

Exercise: Find the NOUNS…

Instruction: Using the chart below, place each noun in the appropriate category.

An unusually strong earthquake occurred in China in 1976. Tremors from the quake were felt hundreds of miles away. In the severely damaged city of Tientsin, thousands of Chinese evacuated collapsing buildings. The industrial city of Tangshan was devastated, and its nearby mines were also damaged. An estimated 655,000 people lost their lives.

Names of Persons
Names of Places
Names of Things

Notes on NOUNS: Revision Time~

NOUNS: More Notes~

Sunday 25 December 2011

Lets learn NOUNS through song!

Listen & Learn NOUNS~



A gerund (often known as an -ing word) is a noun formed from a verb by adding -ing. It can follow a preposition, adjective and most often another verb.

For example:
  • I enjoy running.
  • Eating brings happiness.

Friday 23 December 2011

Proper NOUNS~

Proper nouns ( also called proper names) are the words which name specific people, organizations or places.
Proper nouns always start with a capital letter.
These are the examples:-
Each part of a person's name is a proper noun:-

Brad Pitt - Siti Nurhaliza ...
The names of companies, organizations or trade marks:-

 Sendayu Tinggi - Perodua - PERMATA - WWW
Given or pet names of animals:-
Tompok, Chris
The names of cities and countries and words derived from those proper nouns:-
Selangor - Bukit Tinggi - New York - Brazil - English
Geographical and Celestial Names:-
the Bermuda Triangle - Alpha Centauri - Venus
Monuments, buildings, meeting rooms:-

The Taj Mahal - The Petronas Twin Tower - Room 101
Historical events, documents, laws, and periods:-
the Civil War - the Industrial Revolution - World War I
Months, days of the week, holidays:-
Sunday - Christmas - February
Religions, deities, scriptures:-
God - Christ - Christianity - Islam - the Bible - al-Quran
Awards, vehicles, vehicle models and names, brand names:-

the Nobel Peace Prize - Perodua Myvi - Ford Focus - Toyota Avanza - Kleenex - Colgate

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Collective NOUNS~

A collective noun is a noun that is singular in form but refers to a group of people or things.

Sometimes they refer to a group of specific things:-

These are the examples:-

Desks, chairs, cupboards etc. are grouped under the collective noun furniture. 
Plates, spoons, cups and bowls are grouped under the collective noun crockery.

These collective nouns are often uncountable.

Sometimes they are more general:-

These are the examples:-
Groups of people - soldier, viewer, band, choir, class, committee, crew, family, gang, jury, orchestra, police, staff, team, trio
Groups of animals - colony, flock, herd, pack, pod, school, swarm
Groups of things - bunch, bundle, clump, pair, set, stack

When such a group is considered as a single unit, the collective noun is used with a singular verb and singular pronouns.

For example - The committee has reached its decision.

But when the focus is on the individual members of the group, British English uses a plural verb and plural pronouns.

For example - "The committee have been arguing all morning." This is the same as saying "The people in the committe have been ...."

Monday 19 December 2011


Making uncountable nouns countable

Most of the uncountable nouns can be changed to countable nouns by putting a countable expression in front of the noun.

For example:-
  • piece of information.
  • Two glasses of drinking water.
  • 10 litres of carbonated drinks.
  • Three grains of sand.
  • piece of paper.
Sources of confusion with countable and uncountable nouns

There are times when the notion of countable and uncountable nouns brings confusion to the users.

Some nouns can be countable or uncountable depending on their meaning.

Usually a noun is uncountable when it is used in a general, abstract meaning (when you don't think of it as a separate object).

On the other hand, countable nouns are used in a particular meaning (when you can think of it as a separate object).

These are the examples:-
glass - A glass of water. (Countable) | A window made of glass. (Uncountable)

Some uncountable nouns can act like a countable noun if we put them as being in containers, or one of several types.

This is because 'containers' and 'types' can be counted.
These are the examples:-
Doctors recommend limiting consumption to two coffees a day. 

Friday 16 December 2011


(use a/an or a number in front of countable nouns)
(there is no a/an or number with uncountable nouns)
An Orange / One Orange
I eat an orange every day.
I eat rice every day. (not I eat a rice every day.)
Add (s) to make a countable noun plural
There is no plural form for an uncountable noun
I eat an orange every day. Oranges are good for you.
I eat rice every day. Rice is good for you.
A bicycle= Bicycles are fun.
To make uncountable nouns countable add a counting word, such as a unit of measurement, or the general word piece. We use the form "a ....... of ......."
An elephant=Elephants are large.
Rice=a grain of rice

Water=a glass of water

Rain=a drop of rain

Music=a piece of music
You can use some and any with countable nouns.
Some snakes can be dangerous.
I don't use any computers at work.
You can use some and any with uncountable nouns.
I usually drink some plain water with my meal.
I don't usually drink any water with my carbonated drink.
You only use many and few with plural countable nouns. 
So many tigers have been hunted that they are an endangered species.
There are few elephants in England.
You only use much and little with uncountable nouns.
I don't usually drink much tea.
Little coffee is undrinkable though.
You can use a lot of and no with plural countable nouns. 
No cameras were bought last week.
A lot of cameras were reported broken the week before.
You can use a lot of and no with uncountable nouns.
A lot of water is drunk by the patient.

No water is drunk by her during fasting period.



noun can be countable or uncountable.
Countable nouns can be "counted".
Countable nouns have both singular and plural form.
These are the examples of countable nouns:
  • A pencil, two pencils, three pencils .....
  • An orange, two oranges, three oranges ....


  • Uncountable nouns (also called mass nouns or non-count nouns) cannot be counted.
  • Uncountable nouns cannot be counted because they are not separate objects.
  • This means that you cannot make them plural by adding -s, because they only have a singular form.
  • It also means that they do not take a/an or a number in front of them.
  • These are the examples of uncountable nouns:

              1. Water
              2. Work
              3. Information
              4. Coffee
              5. Sand

Monday 12 December 2011

Common NOUNS

A common noun refers to a word that names people, places, things, or ideas. They are not the names of a single person, place or thing.

A common noun begins with a lowercase letter unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.

These are the examples of common nouns based on categories:-

·         woman, girl, clerk, mother, grandfather, child, person, teacher, student
·         chicken, dog, fish, tiger, elephant
·         pencil, desk, fan, computer
·         school, town, building, stall
·         love, hate, idea, pride

Compound NOUNS~

A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two or more words.

Most compound nouns in English are formed by nouns modified by other nouns or adjectives.

These are the examples:
The words tooth and paste are each nouns in their own right, but if you join them together they form a new word - toothpaste.
The word black is an adjective and board is a noun, but if you join them together they form a new word - blackboard.

In both these example the first word modifies or describes the second word, telling us what kind of object or person it is, or what its purpose is. And the second part identifies the object or person in question.

Compound nouns can also be formed using the following combinations of words:-

monthly ticket
swimming pool
hanger on

The two parts may be written in a number of ways:-

1. Sometimes the two words are joined together.
Example: tooth + paste = toothpaste | bed + room = bedroom

2. Sometimes they are joined using a hyphen.
Example: check-in

3. Sometimes they appear as two separate words. 
Example: full moon

*A good dictionary will tell you how you should write each compound noun.